Senin, 18 Agustus 2014 New Delicious Post - The Secret of a PRO Food Photography Editing –guaranteed! New Delicious Post - The Secret of a PRO Food Photography Editing –guaranteed!

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The Secret of a PRO Food Photography Editing –guaranteed!

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 01:06 AM PDT

Okay guys, sorry for the overwhelming title haha.. *bakat sales* Nah, barusan weekend biasanya wiskul kan? Banyak foto2 food keren? Good! Sekarang saatnya edit dan tunjukkan ke dunia kalo hidup kamu nikmat!


INIJIE - Food Photo Editing with VSCOcam


Jie mau sharing tips dan resep buat food photo editing. Biar lebih challenging, gw pake foto dari kamera hape lalu gw amplas edit pake apps gratisan dari hape. Ahaa.. I can see your smile there. Let's go!(...)
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